

Branding Questionnaire


Please fill out your client profile and company information for our records.
Your Contact Info
Company Info
Social Media Links

(copy & paste web address)


Distilling your company identity helps us create work that is built off a solid foundation. Please fill out the below fields in as much detail as possible.
Tell us about your company

History, your organization, products, and/or services...

Where will your product or service be sold?

Countries, Cities, Regions…

How will you be selling your product or service?

Online, On-site, specific stores...

Who are your customer and target audiences?

Describe your ideal customer, gender, age. Income level, profession, personality, demands…Online, On-site, specific stores...

What is the value of your brand to the customer?

How will the customer benefit from using your company…

Who are your closet competitors?

Company Names & Websites

How are you different from your competitors?

What do you offer that they don’t… (Go ahead and boast!)

What adjectives would you use to describe your company and its values:

Choose your Top 5 | Write in other if you’d like

What's your company’s personality?

Check those that apply and write in any others you’d like | Write in other if you’d like

What are the long term goals of the company?

How do you want to evolve and grow in 1-3 years & beyond


Think of us as your company stylist, making sure you’re always dressed for success! Answer the questions below so we can start designing a plan to make your company look even more fabulous.

Please write out the logo name exactly as you’d like for it to appear in the design... (ex: Box Media, LLC | Box Media Inc. | Box Media | or just Box).

Do you have a tag line? The most effective taglines are usually under five words. Less is more.

Do you have any specific imagery in mind for your logo?
Do you have any color preferences or existing brand colors? Any colors that you do NOT wish to use?
Do you have a preference for how you’d like the typography to appear?

(Choose more than one option if you’re not sure which to choose)

Sample Image

What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? 
Generally, what logos do you think will appeal to your customers and why?

Please provide links below:

Here are some helpful samples of logotypes. Choose one of the types which you think most represents the future logo.





Monogram or Lettermarks


Wordmarks or Logotypes

Generally, what colors do you think will appeal to your customers and why?

Please provide links below:

Here are some helpful samples of colors

Choose MAX 3 colors.

Be sure of that:

  1. The design will not be delivered unless the questionnaire form was submitted.
  2. The information provided by the client in the questionnaire form is correct.
  3. Any missing and/or incorrect information will affect the design outcome and the client will be fully responsible.